Nevada has joined a growing number of states allowing residents to choose gender “X” on their state-issued driver’s licenses or identification cards, in addition to “M” for male and “F” for female.
This is a big MILESTONE for people who do not identify with either Male or Female.
The Nevada Department of Motor Vehicles implemented the option April 22, 2019, as the “final step in a years-long effort to modernize policies toward transgender residents and those who don’t identify with either sex,” according to a statement from the DMV.
“The DMV is committed to being inclusive and realizes some people don’t want to be forced to identify as either male or female,” says Director Julie Butler. “We would like to thank the Nevada community groups who brought these issues to our attention and worked with us to bring about the changes.”
In 2018, the department changed its regulations to allow applicants to self-certify the genders on their IDs with no further documentation required. The DMV has now completed the computer programming required to enable the “X” designation to be printed on a license and transmitted to outside agencies such as law enforcement and courts.
The DMV reports it has worked to bring its practices in line with other agencies, including the Nevada Department of Health and Human Services, which changed its rules in 2016 to allow people to change the genders on their birth certificates. The Nevada Legislature added gender identity as a protected category in employment discrimination in 2011.
Nevada becomes the tenth U.S. jurisdiction to offer a gender-neutral designation on IDs, according to the National Center for Transgender Equality. Arkansas, California, the District of Columbia, Minnesota and Oregon, like Nevada, allow self-certification. Colorado, Indiana, Maine and Vermont require documentation.
Maryland is set to begin offering Gender X this fall.
A gender change to a license or ID must be completed in-person at a Department of Motor Vehicles office.
The state of Nevada wants everyone to feel welcomed.
Info found on KTVN